Top posts

  • Work In Progress

    28 marzo 2016 ( #Benessere & Restyling )

  • MK's home made GOLDEN MILK Drink

    04 luglio 2016 ( #Drink as Medicine and Diet )

    Hey everyone! ^-^ Finally, I made my first ever GOLDEN MILK DRINK. To understand a little what we are talking about, as the name itselfs recalls something fairy and magical, we pose and answer some basic questions to let everyone be active part of this...


    21 aprile 2017

    Herbal herbs are an invaluable source of wealth. They have endless healing properties. Unlike common "traditional" medicines, with slow delicacy and patient continuity, they can heal the health of the human and animal body. They are effective remedies...

  • Wellness Table. What really makes you feel healthy.

    08 maggio 2017

    Dearest MK Friends,today I offer you a little pearl to cherish.It is the precious list of TOP HEALTHY MINERALS & VITAMINS for your body.Wisely looking at this list, you can find out which nutrients naturally contain them or from where you should take...

  • MK 2o17's Tasty First Course? Buckwheat Flour Pasta and...chocolat.

    10 gennaio 2017

    Dearest MK's friends, just 10 days after the beginning of this new year, many are still hardly digesting all the blow-out feast meals... but here's an exception I'm glad to share with you, provided you contain the abuse! :D :D :D Here's an hybrid pasta,...

  • Experiencing Therapeutic Fasting

    24 ottobre 2017

    Dear MK Friends, today I want to share something I am doing for the 1st time: 5 days of Therapeutic Fasting . Since I am a follower of the Life120/BloodGroup diets, as my nutritional training path continues, I come to a point where I say to myself: you...


    21 dicembre 2012 ( #MK BLOG RULES )

    Con questo comunicato, la scrivente comunica ad Overblog che: è severamente vietato divulgare, copiare, distribuire, diffondere, o fare qualsiasi altra azione contro di me sulla base di questo blog e/o dei suoi contenuti senza la mia autorizzazione e...

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