Mk's Scones with Lentils, Tuna, and...

Pubblicato il da AeM Key a.k.a. MK

Mk's Scones with Lentils, Tuna, and...

Hallo dearest MK's friends,

I was missing the taste of salty scones, and, opening the fridge, I have seen all alone in a corner, a certain quantity of lentils looking shy at me, somehow begging me for them to be taken and cooked, as a low temperature is too much to resist for any life form. 
OK, if you choose to get out of there, know that the final destination is getting into the mixer, then in the oven, later in my stomach, and tomorrow...far away, flushed and carried to the nearest water course, to end your journey in the big sea.
Wow, I realise that, as time goes by, telling you my recipes is becoming similar to a tale, with an ambiguous "poetic/rude in detail" way. 
Better cut it here and go straight to the matter.
Shall we cook together today? OK. Let's go. :)


♦ 315 gr classic Lentils (already cooked);
♦ 52 gr Tuna in water (drained weight - better if bought in glass can);
♦ 1 whole egg;
♦ Rocket (1-2 handful);
♦ Turmeric powder (a pinch);
♦ Sunflower seeds 1 spoon;
♦ Grapeseed Oil (1 tablespoon);
♦ Rose salt (a pinch);

 Warm Water (as much as suffices).

Other useful tools:
1 mixer, baking sheet, baking paper, oven, 1 tablespoon.

Little by little, blend all the ingredients listed on making them creamy.
Warm water helps in case to work the dough if too hard and dry.
Meanwhile preheat the oven for 15 minutes at 180 ° C.
Take a baking sheet and apply baking paper cut to size.
With a spoon, take a quantity of dough in dose of a spoonful.
Arrange each spoonful side by side, equidistant.
Bake at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.
After the cooking time, turn off the oven and leave for a few minutes to cool.

Serve at will, just warm or cold. They are very well preserved.
Thank you all for your attention and ... Bon Appetit! ! !


*Appropriate Recommendations:*


Check the foods quality, according to your blood group type.

Lentils are:
BENEFICIAL for groups A, *AB
(*green lentils only)


(*substitute with another allowed legume)

Tuna fish is:
NEUTRAL for groups ZERO, A, B. 

Egg is:
BENEFICIAL for all groups.

Rocket is:
NEUTRAL for all groups.  

Sunflower Seeds are:
NEUTRAL for groups ZERO, A.

Himalayan Rose Salt is:
NEUTRAL for groups ZERO, A, B, AB.

Turmeric is 
 for group ZERO.
NEUTRAL for groups A, B, AB.

Grapeseeds Oil is:
BENEFICIAL for all groups.

Water is 
BENEFICIAL for all groups.

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